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Monthly Dues

Monthly dues are $480.00 for each individual unit.

Dues are broken down as follows:

  • $321.41 goes to our General Maintenance, Operating and Savings Fund
  • $91.29 goes to our Capital Reserve Fund
  • $67.30 goes to Pagosa Area Water & Sanitation

**5% of our operating annual expenses are taken out and set aside into a long range savings account that is only used for unforeseen expenses. This helps to significantly reduce the possibility of special assessments.

PPCOA Management Team:

Finances and Operations: Cheryl - 970-903-9147
Grounds and Maintenance: Matt - 970-903-8663

To contact the board of directors:

Bowdridge Property Solutions, LLC  P.O. Box 3155, Pagosa Springs, CO 81147

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